The Twin Summits Loop is an epic ride over two mountain passes
You will be bragging to your grandchildren about this epic ride over two Kettle Crest Mountain Range passes on the Twin Summits Loop. From Hwy 395/20 [A], (12 miles west of MP-0), climb the steady modern highway grade west on Hwy 20. This is the Sherman Pass Scenic Byway. In 22 miles you will summit Sherman pass at 5574 ft, Washington state’s highest year round pass. Coast down to Hwy 21 near Republic, and then head north. At Curlew head east on Boulder Creek Rd over Boulder Pass (elevation 4110 ft). Coast down to Hwy 395, and back to the start. (94 miles and over 8200 ft elevation gain) Nothing to it! Want to show off? Start from Colville.
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