Northport Aladdin Loop

Ride all the way to the Canadian Border on the Northport Aladdin Loop

Deep Lake Aladdin

 Northeast Washington Motorcycle Dirt Bike Trails

Northport-Aladdin Loop:  [0-24-7-58-61 or 59, 57-56-34-0]

From MP 0, head north up Aladdin.  At [58] you can go north on Deep Lake Boundary past Deep Lake all the way to the Canadian border [61] and back to Northport on Northport Boundary Rd [59].  Alternatively, at [58] you can go straight to Northport and cut off 15 miles.  Return to Colville on Hwy 25, Onion Creek, or Williams Lake. Mileage ranges from 73 to 90 miles, with 4200′ elevation gain.

gps pdf Northport Aladdin Loop 

[flexiblemap src=”″ width =”300″ height=”400″ maptype=”terrain”]


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