Jump Off Joe Journey

The Jump Off Joe Journey lets you explore Valley, Springdale and Loon Lake


road-bike-icon jump off joe journey auto-tour-iconNortheast Washington Motorcycle Dirt Bike Trails


Explore the Jump Off Joe Journey from Valley onto Long Prairie and Forest Center. Refresh or eat in Springdale and head east on Hwy 231 toward Loon Lake.  Take Jump Off Joe north to Hwy 395 and then back to Valley. [76-77-81-85-84-83-80-78-79-76]  (24.2 miles and 1089 elevation gain), or extend your ride and explore Loon Lake and come back on Hwy 395.

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[flexiblemap src=”https://newashingtontrails.com/KML/BikeKML/JumpOffJoe.KML?v=2″ width =”300″ height=”400″ maptype=”terrain”]


Colville Rotary Club Colvelo Colville