Ferry County OHV Trails

Head deep into the back country on Ferry County Jeep Trails

“Most of my best memories come from some old dirt road”- unknown

High-clearance OHV and 4-wheel drive vehicles will find plenty of challenging terrain and spectacular views (and maybe even some huckleberries) on the Jeep trails in Ferry County. If you’re yearning to get your rig out on these rugged and beautiful trails, see the list below for locations and details of Ferry County Jeep trails.

[flexiblemap src=”https://newashingtontrails.com/KML/JeepTrails.KML?v=2″ width=”350″ height=”500″ maptype=”terrain”]
Huckleberry Jeep Trail #12110
Mack Mt ATV #98 and Twin Sisters Jeep #109
Owl Mt Jeep Trail #102
Twin Sisters Jeep #109                                                                  US Mt Jeep Trail #76


Colville National Forest ferry county jeep trails   New WOHVA logo ferry county jeep trails