Owl Mountain Jeep Trail

The Owl Mountain Trail is challenging, but users are rewarded with impressive viewpoints

Owl Mountain Jeep Trail


Description: This is a dynamic trail that takes you to the top of Owl Mountain and along the side of Grouse Mountain. It offers sweeping views in many directions. The roadway can be muddy, rocky and washed out in places. There are disbursed camping sites available on both ends of the trail.

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[flexiblemap src=”https://newashingtontrails.com/KML/OwlMountain.KML?v=2″ width =”300″ height=”400″ maptype=”terrain”]


Colville National Forest- Owl Mountain   Washington Trails Association   Kettle Range Conservation Group   New WOHVA logo - hi-res                               WAATV    newaatv   Pacific North West Motorcycle Association                                                                                     Northwest Motorcycle Association