The Double Huckleberry Treat

Experience the Huckleberry Mountains twice via two summits on the same ride


road-bike-icon auto-tour-iconNortheast Washington Motorcycle Dirt Bike Trails

Description: The Double Huckleberry Treat -66-67-68-86-66

Assault the Huckleberry Mountain Range twice over two different summits.  From [66] (22 miles from MP-0) climb Addy-Gifford into Summit Valley and over the summit.  Coast down to Gifford [67] and then south on Hwy 25 to Addy-Cedonia [86].  Climb back up over the Huckleberry’s again and down to the start.  The triangle is 40 miles with two impressive climbs, a total of 3380 elevation gain.

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Colville Rotary Club Colvelo Colville