Experience the beauty of Northeast Washington state from horseback on Pend Oreille County Horse Trails

“No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle”. – Winston Churchill

Spectacular, unspoiled scenery awaits you on the trail in Pend Oreille County. Many trails traverse the eastern section of the Salmo-Priest Wilderness, the only designated wilderness in Northeast Washington State. The Salmo-Preist Wilderness is home to Gypsy Peak, the highest peak in Eastern Washington. This wilderness is also home to the only caribou herd in the lower 48 states, and more than a few Grizzly Bears. Enjoy this beautiful, unspoiled area.

[flexiblemap src=”https://newashingtontrails.com/KML/HorsePendo.KML?v=2″ width=”350″ height=”500″ maptype=”terrain”]


Batey-Bould ORV Trails #306, #307. #308, #309
Batey-Bould, Boulder Mt Trails #306, #310, #311
Gold Cr Trail #320 (Abandoned)
Grassy Top Trail #503
Hall Mt – Grassy Top Trail #540
High Rock Creek Trail #264
North Fork-Grassy Top Trail # 379
Pend Oreille County Park                                                                 Salmo Basin Trail #506
Shedroof Cutoff Trail #511
Thomas Mt Trail #151
Thunder Creek Trail #526

For more information about enjoying Pend Oreille County Horse Trails, please visit these organizations:                                                                                                                                                              Colville National Forest- Pend Oreille County Horse Trails   Washington Trails Association   Northeast Back Country Horsemen of Washington