Edds Mountain Trail
This 4.2 mile Edds Mountain Trail #3 has wonderful views of the surrounding mountains and of the Kettle River Valley. You’ll find abundant wildlife and, during the spring and summer, wildflowers growing along the south-facing slope of the trail. This trail connects you with the Kettle Crest National Recreation Trail #13, with vistas of Kettle Crest and the Kettle River Valley.
The Edds Mountain Trailhead has space for dispersed camping and horse camping. For the first 1.5 miles from the trailhead, the trail is decommissioned forest service road, then the trail rises steeply towards Edds Mountain, which is on the edge of the 1988 White Mountain fire. The trail winds through both open areas and forests of old-growth larches, to the top of an old lookout site. In open areas, cairns have been built to mark the trail.
Most water is well below the trail but a stream crosses the Kettle Crest Trail #13 just south of the junction with Edds Mt Trail #3. This is a wild and seldom used portion of the trail system providing views, wildlife and wildflowers for the avid hiker.
Outstanding volunteers from the Backcountry Horsemen of Washington perform most of the maintenance along this trail.

Edds Mountain Trail